澄清声明 / 澄清聲明


1、 本公司从未承保此类担保业务,亦从未授权任何人士对外招揽投资,此疑为第三者利用本公司之良好商誉,以图进行诈骗;该等人士所涉及之任何投资招揽行为,与本公司一概无关。如涉及不法行为及\或侵犯本公司相关权利,本公司将采取一切必要的法律措施维护本公司的权益。

2、 以上严正声明,以正视听,并特别呼吁投资者提高警觉,审慎确认相关交易,切莫误信造成损害。




1、 本公司從未承保此類擔保業務,亦從未授權任何人士對外招攬投資,此疑為第三者利用本公司之良好商譽,以圖進行詐騙;該等人士所涉及之任何投資招攬行為,與本公司一概無關。如涉及不法行為及\或侵犯本公司相關權利,本公司將採取一切必要的法律措施維護本公司的權益。

2、 以上嚴正聲明,以正視聽,並特別呼籲投資者提高警覺,審慎確認相關交易,切莫誤信造成損害。




Based in Hong Kong, steady operation, won the multi-project award

Awarded as A- in both financial strength and credit rating

PICC HK has been awarded as A- in both financial strength and credit rating consecutively since 2014 by A.M. Best Co., an international renowned rating company.


PICC HK was awarded an honor certificate of “Rooted in Hong Kong, Contributing to Society” issued by the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (hereafter “HKSAR”). PICC HK is also a member company of the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association.

Certificate of Thanks

PICC HK has been repeatedly honored with Certificates of Appreciation issued by the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprises Association, the Hong Kong Chinese Enterprise Charitable Foundation, Chinese Red Cross Foundation, Labor Department of the Government of the HKSAR, Economic Affairs Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in HKSAR, Organizing Committee of the HKSAR Delegation of the 13th National Games of the People's Republic of China, etc., admiring the company for its concern about people’s livelihood and its spirit of serving the community.

Reinsurer Qualification

As of the end of 2019, PICC HK has accomplished its registration as a reinsurer in Bolivia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Columbia, which has entitled it as the first Chinese insurance company successfully registered in Columbia, amongst all its counterparts in Mainland China and Hong Kong.