1、 本公司从未承保此类担保业务,亦从未授权任何人士对外招揽投资,此疑为第三者利用本公司之良好商誉,以图进行诈骗;该等人士所涉及之任何投资招揽行为,与本公司一概无关。如涉及不法行为及\或侵犯本公司相关权利,本公司将采取一切必要的法律措施维护本公司的权益。
2、 以上严正声明,以正视听,并特别呼吁投资者提高警觉,审慎确认相关交易,切莫误信造成损害。
1、 本公司從未承保此類擔保業務,亦從未授權任何人士對外招攬投資,此疑為第三者利用本公司之良好商譽,以圖進行詐騙;該等人士所涉及之任何投資招攬行為,與本公司一概無關。如涉及不法行為及\或侵犯本公司相關權利,本公司將採取一切必要的法律措施維護本公司的權益。
2、 以上嚴正聲明,以正視聽,並特別呼籲投資者提高警覺,審慎確認相關交易,切莫誤信造成損害。
中國人民保險(香港)有限公司謹敬Personal insurance
Business insurance
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With rich experience in hull insurance and a global agency network, it provides fast, high-quality, and sophisticated professional services for many fleets, winning the trust of many customers and enjoying a good reputation in the shipping industry.
Various products including hull insurance, protection and liability insurance, ship building insurance, charterers liability insurance, etc.
Covering all types of ships, including barges, tugboats, passenger ferries, etc. It provides protection for hulls and machinery, as well as "third-party insurance" required by laws and provisions to purchase local ships.
Offering comprehensive marine law liability insurance, including third-party liability coverage. It can be extended to cover cargo liability insurance.
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