澄清声明 / 澄清聲明


1、 本公司从未承保此类担保业务,亦从未授权任何人士对外招揽投资,此疑为第三者利用本公司之良好商誉,以图进行诈骗;该等人士所涉及之任何投资招揽行为,与本公司一概无关。如涉及不法行为及\或侵犯本公司相关权利,本公司将采取一切必要的法律措施维护本公司的权益。

2、 以上严正声明,以正视听,并特别呼吁投资者提高警觉,审慎确认相关交易,切莫误信造成损害。




1、 本公司從未承保此類擔保業務,亦從未授權任何人士對外招攬投資,此疑為第三者利用本公司之良好商譽,以圖進行詐騙;該等人士所涉及之任何投資招攬行為,與本公司一概無關。如涉及不法行為及\或侵犯本公司相關權利,本公司將採取一切必要的法律措施維護本公司的權益。

2、 以上嚴正聲明,以正視聽,並特別呼籲投資者提高警覺,審慎確認相關交易,切莫誤信造成損害。



Reservation consultants

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Your information will only be used for appointment consultation and will not be disclosed to any third party or used for other purposes.
To make an appointment now means that you have read and understand our《personal data collection statement 》 and agree to accept its contents

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guarantee period:

1 year

insurance age:

16-75 one full year of life

What is Accident insurance            

PICC Hong Kong has a variety of accident products for different groups of people, such as travel insurance products that fully cover domestic and overseas travelers, overseas workers and students.



    Double compensation

    Double indemnity for up to HK $3,000,000 in case of traffic accident while travelling The company will also provide double medical compensation for third-degree burns caused by accident.


    24-hour support

    No matter where you are in an accident overseas, the 24-hour global Support hotline will provide you with medical advice and referral services, including emergency medical transport or repatriation services, hospital deposit, travel information, etc.


    Covering family members

    One policy covers you and/or your family members in the same policy.Family members include your spouse and children.


    Premium waiver

    Each insured person is entitled to one child's premium exemption when the family is insured.



    Family insurance can protect the applicant's spouse and up to 10 children, enjoy the premium discount.


    Hospitalization benefit

    Hospitalization benefits up to a maximum of HK $450 per day will be provided for accident necessaries.



    Global personal accident protection.


  • Plan A

  • Plan B

  • Plan C

Standard Benefits

Accidental Death and Permanent DisablementWe will pay cash benefits according to the scale of benefits for bodily injury resulting in death or permanentdisablement within 12 months from the date of accident                    

Accidental Medical ExpensesIf you require medical treatment from a hospital or clinic for injury resulting from an accident, we will pay the actual necessary and reasonable medical expenses incurred provided such treatment is received from a legally qualified and registered medical practitioner                    


Cover for Chinese Herbalist/ Bonesetter/ Acupuncturist Treatment ExpenseSubject to an amount not exceeding HK$150 per consultation per day.                    

Cover for Chiropractor Treatment/ PhysiotherapySubject to an amount not exceeding HK$300 per consultation per day.                    

Double Medical Indemnity for Third Degree BurnThe sum insured under Accidental Medical Expenses shall be doubled for Third Degree Burn                    

Free Additional Benefits

Double Indemnity Death or permanent disablement benefits will be doubled up to a maximum limit of HK$3,000,000 if the accident is a result of
(a) traffic accident occurs while traveling as a fare-paying passenger in underground railway, railway train, tram car, taxi, public light bus, public bus, rental car, ferry, scheduled airlines or private car or
(b) landslide, flood, explosion or fire.

Immediate Cash Relief A cash relief payment will be made to the deceased’s beneficiary in the event of the death of the Insured Person resulting from which a valid claim is payable under this Policy.                    

Hospital Confinement AllowanceIn the event of the Insured Person being confined in hospital for treatment of Injury caused by an Accident, a daily benefit is payable for such period of confinement subject to minimum confinement of 5 consecutive days and a maximum of 180 days.                    

No Claim Bonus If you do not make any claim during the preceding year, the sum insured for Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement will be increased by 10% compounding each year over a 5 year period subject to a maximum bonus of HK$500,000 in aggregate.                    

  • Maximum Limit (HK$)











  • Maximum Limit (HK$)











  • Maximum Limit (HK$)











Standard Benefits Maximum Limit (HK$)
Death and Permanent DisablementWe will pay cash benefits according to the scale of benefits for bodily injury resulting in death or permanentdisablement within 12 months from the date of accident                                     500,000
Accidental Medical ExpensesIf you require medical treatment from a hospital or clinic for injury resulting from an accident, we will pay the actual necessary and reasonable medical expenses incurred provided such treatment is received from a legally qualified and registered medical practitioner                                     15,000
Cover for Chinese Herbalist/ Bonesetter/ Acupuncturist Treatment ExpenseSubject to an amount not exceeding HK$150 per consultation per day.                                     1,000
Double Medical Indemnity for Third Degree BurnThe sum insured under Accidental Medical Expenses shall be doubled for Third Degree Burn                                     30,000
Free Additional Benefits
Double IndemnityDeath or permanent disablement benefits will be doubled up to a maximum limit of HK$3,000,000 if the accident is a result of
(a) traffic accident occurs while traveling as a fare-paying passenger in underground railway, railway train, tram car, taxi, public light bus, public bus, rental car, ferry, scheduled airlines or private car or
(b) landslide, flood, explosion or fire.
Immediate Cash Relief A cash relief payment will be made to the deceased’s beneficiary in the event of the death of the Insured Person resulting from which a valid claim is payable under this Policy.                                     50,000
Hospital Confinement AllowanceIn the event of the Insured Person being confined in hospital for treatment of Injury caused by an Accident, a daily benefit is payable for such period of confinement subject to minimum confinement of 5 consecutive days and a maximum of 180 days.                                     13,500(75/day)
No Claim Bonus If you do not make any claim during the preceding year, the sum insured for Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement will be increased by 10% compounding each year over a 5 year period subject to a maximum bonus of HK$500,000 in aggregate.                                     500,000
Standard Benefits Maximum Limit (HK$)
Death and Permanent DisablementWe will pay cash benefits according to the scale of benefits for bodily injury resulting in death or permanentdisablement within 12 months from the date of accident                                     1,000,000
Accidental Medical ExpensesIf you require medical treatment from a hospital or clinic for injury resulting from an accident, we will pay the actual necessary and reasonable medical expenses incurred provided such treatment is received from a legally qualified and registered medical practitioner                                     30,000
Cover for Chinese Herbalist/ Bonesetter/ Acupuncturist Treatment ExpenseSubject to an amount not exceeding HK$150 per consultation per day.                                     2,000
Double Medical Indemnity for Third Degree BurnThe sum insured under Accidental Medical Expenses shall be doubled for Third Degree Burn                                     60,000
Free Additional Benefits
Double IndemnityDeath or permanent disablement benefits will be doubled up to a maximum limit of HK$3,000,000 if the accident is a result of
(a) traffic accident occurs while traveling as a fare-paying passenger in underground railway, railway train, tram car, taxi, public light bus, public bus, rental car, ferry, scheduled airlines or private car or
(b) landslide, flood, explosion or fire.
Immediate Cash Relief A cash relief payment will be made to the deceased’s beneficiary in the event of the death of the Insured Person resulting from which a valid claim is payable under this Policy.                                     75,000
Hospital Confinement AllowanceIn the event of the Insured Person being confined in hospital for treatment of Injury caused by an Accident, a daily benefit is payable for such period of confinement subject to minimum confinement of 5 consecutive days and a maximum of 180 days.                                     27,000(150/day)
No Claim Bonus If you do not make any claim during the preceding year, the sum insured for Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement will be increased by 10% compounding each year over a 5 year period subject to a maximum bonus of HK$500,000 in aggregate.                                     500,000
Standard Benefits Maximum Limit (HK$)
Death and Permanent DisablementWe will pay cash benefits according to the scale of benefits for bodily injury resulting in death or permanentdisablement within 12 months from the date of accident                                     1,500,000
Accidental Medical ExpensesIf you require medical treatment from a hospital or clinic for injury resulting from an accident, we will pay the actual necessary and reasonable medical expenses incurred provided such treatment is received from a legally qualified and registered medical practitioner                                     50,000
Cover for Chinese Herbalist/ Bonesetter/ Acupuncturist Treatment ExpenseSubject to an amount not exceeding HK$150 per consultation per day.                                     3,000
Double Medical Indemnity for Third Degree BurnThe sum insured under Accidental Medical Expenses shall be doubled for Third Degree Burn                                     100,000
Free Additional Benefits
Double IndemnityDeath or permanent disablement benefits will be doubled up to a maximum limit of HK$3,000,000 if the accident is a result of
(a) traffic accident occurs while traveling as a fare-paying passenger in underground railway, railway train, tram car, taxi, public light bus, public bus, rental car, ferry, scheduled airlines or private car or
(b) landslide, flood, explosion or fire.
Immediate Cash Relief A cash relief payment will be made to the deceased’s beneficiary in the event of the death of the Insured Person resulting from which a valid claim is payable under this Policy.                                     100,000
Hospital Confinement AllowanceIn the event of the Insured Person being confined in hospital for treatment of Injury caused by an Accident, a daily benefit is payable for such period of confinement subject to minimum confinement of 5 consecutive days and a maximum of 180 days.                                     81,000(450/day)
No Claim Bonus If you do not make any claim during the preceding year, the sum insured for Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement will be increased by 10% compounding each year over a 5 year period subject to a maximum bonus of HK$500,000 in aggregate.                                     500,000

24-Hour Worldwide Emergency Assistance Services

Dedicated emergency assistance hotline to provide immediate assistance whenever you encounter any accident during your overseas trip. Services includeMedical Evacuation, Repatriation, Deposit Guaranteeing of Hospital Admission, Travel Information etc.(Note: This service is provided by Inter Partner Assistance. You may need to bear the cost of services, if any, being incurred.)


Age Limit:18 – 75 years old

Occupation:Persons engaging in professional, administrative and clerical duties generally, or in occupations of a superintending nature or which may involve occasional light manual work.

Main Exclusions

Sickness or diseases; suicide or self-inflicted injuries; unnecessary medical or surgical treatment; cosmetic surgery for purpose of beautification; venereal disease or insanity, AIDS; pregnancy or childbirth; acts committed under the influence of drugs or alcohol; disciplined forces such as duties as part of the police, fire services, military or armed security guard; direct participation in terrorist acts, strike, riot or civil commotion; injury due to war, nuclear weapons, radioactivity; any acts violating the law engaging or participating sports in a professional capacity or where you should or could earn income or remuneration from engaging or participating in such sport; engaging or participating in speed contest or racing(other than on foot); aviation except as a fare-paying passenger.

Family insurance of couples will enjoy premium benefits, each insured can have one child’s premium waived. Eligible children should be 3-17 years old without marriage and employment or unmarried full time students under 23 years old.

File download        

  • Download of Application form

  • Standard terms download

This plan is subject to the terms, conditions and exclusions of the relevant policy agreement.PICC Hong Kong reserves the final right to accept applications under the Scheme.The above information is for general purposes only and does not constitute any contract with any person.Please refer to our contract for details of the terms, conditions and exclusions of this scheme.
